What is a calorie deficit compared to a calorie surplus?
The difference between caloric surplus and deficit and what it means exactly.
The difference between caloric surplus and deficit and what it means exactly.
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How Creatine and Caffeine are utilized by the body. The effects and benefits.
Our current situation of needing to stay inside, gyms being closed and public parks shut down. How do we adapt and continue to achieve...
I'll reiterate a lot of what I said in the community post but lets get to it! What can you/we do to help you better your physical...
Strength Athletes 0.8-1.4g/kg/day Endurance Athlete 1.6-1.8g/kg/day To explain this better the formula is grams of protein per kilogram...
I'm just starting out this page, I'd like to build an entire fitness community where we can help each other progress and become the best...
What health goals do you have? Do you need education in fitness? Need education in nutrition? Help with a diet/ workout plan? What...